21 comments on “The man in the window …

  1. These presence are lost in this world and needs guidance to direct them to the light. It might be you who would be instrumental to give them peace. Pray for them, tell them that they no longer in this world, tell them to follow the light, tell them it’s time for them to go.

  2. You are right, there are so many things we do not understand. My husband died in 2004 and though I have moved away I still feel his presence . I felt the side of the bed depress as if he was sitting there as he used to. I told a friend who asked whether or not I was scared. I wasn’t because it didn’t feel bad it felt comforting.

  3. I hate noises that stop when you look in the direction of the noise, then start again when you look away. Very annoying – well, I find it so.. Thank you for the visit..

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